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* Tezuka was vice captain at Seigaku in his second year. <ref>Pair Puri Volume 2</ref>
* Tezuka was vice captain at Seigaku in his second year. <ref>Pair Puri Volume 2</ref>
* Since Tezuka looks older than he really is, he has been mistaken for a teacher. [3]
* Since Tezuka looks older than he really is, he has been mistaken for a teacher. [3]
* In official art, Tezuka is shown winning a trophy at age 25.
* In official art, Tezuka is shown winning a tournament at age 25.
* He speaks German.
* He recently purchased a new pair of hiking boots and is deciding which mountain to climb next.

===Words for the Two===
===Words for the Two===

Revision as of 07:45, 18 March 2018

Tezuka Kunimitsu
Kanji 手塚国光
Kana てづかくにみつ
Gender Male
Age 15
Height 179 cm
Weight 58 kg
Birthday October 7
Horoscope Libra
Shoe Size 27.5
Eyesight (Unaided) 1.5 (both eyes)
Blood Type O
Current School Seigaku (3rd Year)
Class 3-1
Seat 12
Former School(s) Seiharudai First Elementary School
Club Position Captain
Dominant Arm Left
Play Style All-rounder
Doubles Partner(s)
Shoes Mizuno (Wave Dual Light 6K93009)
Racket(s) Mizuno (Pro Light S90)
Manga Debut Genius 4
Anime Debut Episode 3
Seiyuu Okiayu Ryoutarou
Tenimyu Actors

Tezuka Kunimitsu (手塚国光, Tezuka Kunimitsu) is a 3rd year student and former tennis team captain at Seigaku. Tezuka is a nationally ranked player who devotes himself to leading Seigaku to the National Championship and developing Echizen Ryouma as a player. He struggles with elbow and later shoulder injuries throughout the series, leaving for part of the tournament season to pursue injury rehabilitation in Kyushu (manga) or Germany (anime). He is currently representing the German U-17 team in the World Cup.


Tezuka has brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses - he is shown to have a consistent appearance in the anime, manga, and games. He usually has a stern or passive expression on his face. Despite his stoic disposition, he pops his collar on his jersey and other collared clothing he wears. In official art, he is often depicted wearing camping or fishing gear.


Tezuka is known for his calm and serious exterior, always advising his teammates to not be careless. He is strict toward his team, punishing all of the players for the misconduct of one, a policy he learned from former Seigaku captain Yamato Yuudai. He speaks respectfully toward his upperclassmen, coaches, and teachers, but has been shown to correct his Math teacher when they wrote an incorrect answer on the chalkboard.

Despite his reputation for being the level-headed captain of Seigaku, Tezuka is deeply passionate in his convictions and self-sacrificing when it comes to the interests of his team. In his match with Atobe Keigo, he becomes focused on winning for the sake of advancing Seigaku to Nationals and continues to use techniques that further aggravate his injury, sacrificing the health of his arm for his team.

By the time he participates in the U-17 camp, he has become fixated on being a "Pillar of Support" for Seigaku and displays the same attitude toward Team Japan. Yamato helps him see the danger of that way of thinking. Tezuka then is able to enter Teni Muhou no Kiwami and is free to play tennis for himself.

Though he is stern, Tezuka is tolerant to the antics of Seigaku and shows fondness to his teammates.


Three Years Prior to the Main Story

In his last year of elementary school, three years prior to the main story, Tezuka met Sanada Genichirou and Yukimura Seiichi at a jr tournament. Tezuka easily beat the runner-up, Sanada, kicking off a rivalry that would last through junior high school. Yukimura, the tournament champion, challenged Tezuka to a match following Sanada's defeat. According to Sanada, it was an even match.

Two Years Prior to the Main Story

Tezuka entered Seishun Academy as a first year. His upperclassmen saw him as arrogant due to his talent and his generally stoic attitude. He was viewed even more poorly when the third years realized he had easily beaten all of them right-handed despite his left hand being his dominant hand. One of his teammates hit him in his left elbow, injuring his arm and sealing off his access to Muga no Kyouchi and Hyaku Ren Jitoku no Kiwami which required his left arm. Tezuka passionately declared that tennis should never be used for violence and attempted to quit the team. Yamato Yuudai, the third year captain, insisted that Tezuka stay on declaring that he could become Seigaku's "Pillar of Support." Due to his skill, Tezuka became a regular in his first year.

Knowing that Yamato could not accomplish his dream of Seigaku winning nationals before graduating, Tezuka made a promise with Ooishi Shuuichirou to take Seigaku to Nationals in their time at the school. Fuji Shuusuke requested a match with the recently injured Tezuka, quickly defeating him. Fuji was deeply displeased with the result and they made a promise to play again once his arm had completely healed. Tezuka convinced Kawamura Takashi that his incredible strength would help him stand out against the other players and make him a valuable member of the regulars one day.

One Year Prior to the Main Story

Tezuka was named the vice captain. It was originally stated that Tezuka defeated Hyoutei's captain in the Tokyo Prefectural Tournament. It was later ret-conned in Pair Puri Volume 1 that Atobe Keigo was Hyoutei's captain in his second year and that he beat Seigaku's captain at Nationals, therefore Tezuka is assumed to have played a third year regular. He was invited to the Jr Senbatsu training camp, but had to decline due to his injury. Sengoku Kiyosumi took his place.


Tezuka was the reserve player in all of the matches leading up to the match with Fudoumine. He was set to play Tachibana Kippei in the singles one spot, but the match was decided before they played.

Tokyo Prefecturals

Tezuka did not play against St. Rudolph in the semi-finals or Yamabuki in the finals due to both matches being decided prior to singles one. Ginka withdraws from the tournament, advancing Seigaku to Regionals.


Tezuka is cleared to play by his doctor, Ooishi Akitaka, under the stipulation that he does not repeatedly use the Zero-Shiki Drop Shot which could re-injure his elbow. Seeing the potential in Echizen Ryouma, he challenges Echizen to a match. He humiliates Echizen, showing him that there is more to aim for than just defeating his father. He tells Echizen to become Seigaku's Pillar of Support, following in his footsteps.

In Seigaku's match against Hyoutei, Tezuka plays Atobe Keigo in singles one. Despite the recommendations of the doctor and pleading from Ooshi, he continues to put strain on his arm for the sake of Seigaku's victory. Atobe perceives that Tezuka is favoring his left elbow, despite the fact that the injury is healed, and exploits that weakness to injure Tezuka's left shoulder. After a grueling tie-break, Atobe emerges victorious and Tezuka must pursue treatment for his shoulder.

Rehabilitation in Kyushu

Tezuka leaves for Kyushu for rehabilitation, attending a hospital recommended to him by Tachibana Kippei. He meets Chitose Miyuki who accuses him of stealing her racquet. They get mixed up with students from Shishigaku who easily defeat the injured Tezuka who cannot lift his arm over shoulder height. Realizing Tezuka is injured, Miyuki steps in and takes on the Shishigaku student to defend Tezuka. Tezuka jumps back on the court to protect Miyuki from an overhead smash, realizing in so doing that his injury is long-since healed and that he had been held back by "yips."


Tezuka returns in time for the Nationals brackets to be decided. Echizen also returns from America to participate in Nationals, and Tezuka welcomes him back on the regulars following his defeat of Ooishi for a regular spot.

In the second round, Tezuka plays his first match back from his injury against Higa's captain, Kite Eishirou. Though the match initially leans toward Kite, Tezuka reveals that Muga no Kyouchi and Hyaku Ren Jitoku no Kiwami are no longer sealed and overwhelms Kite. He chastises Kite for his use of violence to get an upper hand in a tennis match. Echizen is overwhelmed by the growth Tezuka has had since he left for rehabilitation and declares that he will take the mantle of "Pillar of Support" from Tezuka.

In the third round, Tezuka plays Kabaji Munehirou of Hyoutei. Kabaji reveals that he is able to be a play as a perfect copy of Tezuka, quickly catching up each time Tezuka gains an advantage. When it begins to rain, Tezuka's superior technique gives him the upper hand, defeating Kabaji 7-6.

In quarter-finals, Tezuka plays doubles with Inui Sadaharu against Shitenhouji's Chitose Senri and Zaizen Hikaru. Inui and Zaizen bow out of the match so that Tezuka and Chitose can both enter Muga no Kyouchi. Chitose takes an early lead using Saiki Kanpatsu no Kiwami, but Tezuka unveils his new serve, the Zero-Shiki Serve. He also begins to use Saiki Kanpatsu no Kiwami, but his predictions are more accurate. He beats Chitose abysmally, 6-1. Chitose begs Tezuka for a picture to send to his sister Miyuki back in Kyushu, but Tezuka pointedly refuses.

Before their match with Rikkai, Tezuka reveals to Ooishi that he has been offered the opportunity to pursue professional tennis in Germany and he intends to leave at the end of the school year. In finals against Rikkai, Tezuka is matched against Sanada Genichirou in singles two. Tezuka reveals a new technique developed at Echizen's suggestion, Tezuka Phantom. He uses the technique to combat Sanada's Fuu Rin Ka Zan. The long match takes a physical toll on both of them, Tezuka's arm aggravated from the repeated use of heavy spin and Sanada's knees from the use of his Rai ability. Sanada emerges victorious, settling the score from four years prior.

Under 17 Camp

Tezuka, along with all of the middle schoolers, is placed in an 7-point tie-break elimination match against someone they had chosen to partner with. Tezuka plays Kaidou Kaoru, drawing out the fighting spirit that has led Tezuka to choosing Kaidou as the next captain of Seigaku. He defeats Kaidou 7-0, earning a spot at the winners camp.

Tezuka initially begins on the 5th court. During the team shuffle match against court 3, he is placed in the singles two slot pitting him up against his former captain, Yamato Yuudai. Despite the fact that Yamato's appearance has drastically changed, Tezuka recognizes him.

In order to combat Yamato's Genu Yume Utsutsu, Tezuka relies on Tezuka Phantom, as he did in the match with Sanada. Yamato laments that he has driven Tezuka to feel he has to be the "Pillar of Support," commenting that he has just transferred what he was doing for Seigaku to Team Japan. He reveals that the injuries he had when he played Tezuka in Tezuka's first year of jr high left him with massive scars on his arm and put him through a horribly painful rehabilitation process. He encourages Tezuka to play tennis for himself and let go of his recklessness in the name of his team. With Yamato's blessing, Tezuka is able to let go of his mantle of "Pillar of Support" and enters Teni Muhou no Kiwami and defeats Yamato.

Tezuka makes the decision to leave the camp to pursue the opportunity in Germany. Fuji Shuusuke stops him, asking if they can play again before Tezuka leaves. Fuji is unable to compete with Tezuka at his full strength and is overwhelmed when Tezuka enters Teni Muhou no Kiwami. Tezuka puts an end to the match, catching the ball mid-rally and saying he will not play with Fuji as he is now.

World Cup

Tezuka is shown training at the Tennis Association of Germany with the German U-17 team prior to the World Cup matches beginning. He plays a practice match with team captain and professional tennis player Jürgen Valicevic Volk who completely overpowers Tezuka even after entering Teni Muhou no Kiwami. He instructs Tezuka to train his lower body to improve his stamina in long matches. Seigmand Pupke approaches Volk after the match to tell him he wishes to sign Tezuka for a pro contract, but Volk insists that Tezuka does not have the experience needed and that he should be re-evaluated after the World Cup.

Tezuka plays in round one of the World Cup Japan vs Germany in doubles with Q.P. versus Atobe Keigo and Irie Kanata. The Japanese team jeers him for being an "unpatriotic traitor." Tezuka and Q.P. quickly take the first 5 games. Despite Tezuka attempting to instill fight in Atobe, they easily win 6-0.

Anime only arcs

  • Germany to heal
  • Senbatsu
  • Ryouma comes back and beats Tezuka
  • Training camp at Shitenhouji


Tezuka is an all-rounder who specializes in technique and finesse. Most of his skills are developed around controlling the pace of the match and applying advantageous spin to his shots. Due to the strain placed on his left arm from many of his techniques, his abilities are not meant to be used for prolonged periods of time.

Fanbook 10.5 Information[1]

Tezuka Kunimitsu 105 Stats.jpg

Speed - 4.5: He has the speed of a top class athlete, but he is unable to travel at unbelievable speeds.

Power - 4: When he activates Hyakuren Jitoku no Kiwami, he is able to exhibit astounding power. However, his own playstyle is not very powerful.

Stamina - 4: Because he strictly regulates himself, the stamina of his cardio vascular system is not a problem. However, in a drawn out match, parts of his body will tend to scream out. The only thing he needs to do is work on the stamina of his burdened elbow.

Mental - 5: He is the type that can sacrifice his body nonchalantly. Once he conquered his yips, he acquired a steel will.

Technique - 6: With things like his Zero-Shiki shots and Tezuka Zone, he stands above the rest with skills that can send his opponents into despair.

Kurobe's Memo: Of course, I had intended to have him flourish within the 1st String, however it can't be helped since he withdrew from the camp. It'll only be a matter of time for him to reach the top level of the pros.

Zero-Shiki Drop Shot

A slice drop volley with heavy backspin. Once the ball hits the ground, it rolls back to the net due to the heavy backspin on the ball. In the anime, Tezuka is shown to only hit this volley with his backhand, but in the manga he hits both backhand and forehand. When he hits the Zero-Shiki Drop Shot, his form is very similar to a regular slice backhand volley which makes it difficult to determine which shot he will hit. This sets him apart from other users of the move such as Echizen Ryouma.

Tezuka Zone

Tezuka controls the pace of the match by applying overwhelming spin on the ball. Every ball that he hits over the net returns to him regardless of how his opponent hits the ball. He is able to conserve energy by pivoting on one foot rather than running after every ball.

Zero-Shiki Serve

A slice serve with heavy backspin. Once the ball hits the ground, it rolls back to the net due to the heavy backspin on the ball.

Tezuka Phantom

Like Tezuka Zone, Tezuka uses this ability to control the pace of the match by applying overwhelming spin on the ball. However, every ball that is returned is forced out by the spin on the ball.

Muga no Kyouchi

Brief description

Hyaku Ren Jitoku no Kiwami

Brief description

Saiki Kanpatsu no Kiwami

Brief description

Teni Muhou no Kiwami

Brief description

Personal Information

  • Favorite Food: Unacha (green tea poured over rice, dashi, and fried eel)
  • Favorite Color: Green and Blue
  • Favorite Motto: The enemy exists within oneself.
  • Favorite Movie: Classics, both Japanese and foreign.
  • Favorite Book: Western classics
  • Favorite Music: Beethoven (Classical)
  • Favorite Type (of person): Those who always give 100% (even if they are a little scatterbrained). A person who is energetic and serious.
  • Favorite Date Spot: Fishing in mountain streams.
  • Father's Occupation: Company Employee (Firm/Trading Company)
  • School Committee: Student Council President
  • Best Subject: World History
  • Worst Subject: None
  • Most Visited Spot on Campus: Library
  • Hobbies: Fishing, Camping, Mountain Climbing
  • Dislikes: Being idle, procrastinating
  • Spends His Allowance On: Book rental fees
  • Most Wanted Item: Photograph of a famous mountain
  • Skills Outside of Tennis: Carpentry and woodwork
  • Random Fact: The number of times he has run around the ground in one year (5,870).

Daily School Life

  • 05:30 - Wakes up. Has breakfast after stretching and weight training.
  • 06:30 - Listens to English Language lessons on the radio
  • 06:50 - Goes to school. Morning tennis practice
  • 08:40 - First Period: Social Studies/World History
  • 09:40 - Second Period: Calligraphy
  • 11:00 - Third Period: Math III.
  • 12:00 - Fourth Period: Music/Classics Appreciation.
  • 12:50 - Lunch break: Eats unacha
  • 13:20 - Fifth Period: P.E./Hurdling
  • 14:20 - Sixth Period: Science III/Physics.
  • 15:20 - Student council meeting. Takes care of reports on suggested items.
  • 16:00 - Club activities. Free practice.
  • 19:00 - Returns home. Takes a bath
  • 19:30 - Dinner.
  • 20:00 - Watches the TV program "The gluttonous player title." (recording)
  • 21:00 - Reads. (Primarily foreign books.)
  • 21:30 - Writes in his diary. Goes over points for reflection.
  • 22:30 - Goes to sleep.

Tennis Bag Contents

Another item
Another definition


Brief description of relation to character
Another character
Brief description of relation to character


  • Konomi stated in the 40.5 fanbook that Tezuka is the character who is most unlike himself. He also said Tezuka is the character he would pick to play doubles with and he wants to use his signature moves Tezuka Zone and Tezuka Phantom. [2]
  • The Tezuka vs. Atobe match from the Hyoutei arc was voted the best match in the series by fans. [3] This, along with the other matches selected, are set to be animated in a new OVA series titled Prince of Tennis BEST GAMES!!. [4]
  • His grandfather Tezuka Kunikazu is old friends with Sanada's grandfather, Sanada Genemon from their days in the police force. The two often play Shōgi together with 99 wins and 99 losses each. [5]
  • When he was 10 years old, Tezuka and his father climbed Matterhorn in Switzerland [6]
  • Tezuka was vice captain at Seigaku in his second year. [7]
  • Since Tezuka looks older than he really is, he has been mistaken for a teacher. [3]
  • In official art, Tezuka is shown winning a tournament at age 25.
  • He speaks German.
  • He recently purchased a new pair of hiking boots and is deciding which mountain to climb next.

Words for the Two

Others about Name

Name about others




  • "Don't let your guard down." (油断せずに行こう)
  • "Echizen, become Seigaku's pillar of support." (越前青学の柱になれ)


  1. New Prince of Tennis Fanbook 10.5, pg 64, translated by [1]
  2. Konomi, Takeshi (2007). Prince of Tennis Character Book (Vol. 40.5) (in Japanese). Shueisha. ISBN 4-08-874198-6.
  3. Konomi, T. [konomi_takeshi]. (2017, December 15). (in Japanese). [Tweet] Retrieved from
  4. "The Prince of Tennis Anime to Launch New OVA Series BEST GAMES!! in 2018". (2017, December 16). Retrieved from
  5. Pair Puri Volume 1
  6. Pair Puri Volume 1
  7. Pair Puri Volume 2