
Intraschool Ranking Arc

From Tenipuri Info

Intraschool Ranking Arc
Start Episode 1
End Episode 10
Start Genius 1
End Genius 000

The Intraschool Ranking Arc is the first arc in The Prince of Tennis. It covers episodes 1-10 of the anime and chapters 1-000 of the manga.


Before the start of the school year

Ryuzaki Sakuno meets Echizen Ryoma.

Before the start of the tournament

The Intraschool Ranking tournament


Match Results

Echizen vs. Sasabe the Younger[1]
Final Score X - X
Echizen vs. Momoshiro[2]
Final Score X - X
Echizen vs. Arai[3]
Final Score X - X
Echizen vs. Kaidoh[4]
Final Score X - X
Echizen vs. Inui[5]
Final Score X - X
Inui vs. Kaidoh[6]
Final Score X - X
Echizen vs. Sasabe the Elder[7]
Final Score X - X


  1. Episode 1/Genius1
  2. Episode 2/Genius 000
  3. Episode 3/Genius 000
  4. Episode 4/Genius 000
  5. Episode 7/Genius 000
  6. Episode 9/Genius 000
  7. Episode 10/Genius 000

Contributors: Zaizen