
Tezuka Zone

From Tenipuri Info

Revision as of 07:00, 29 April 2018 by Kashewmoo (talk | contribs)

Tezuka Zone (手塚ゾーン) is a defensive spin shot.

By controlling the spin on the ball[1], the spin on the opponent's next return is halved, drawing the ball towards the center of the court[2]. The zone can be destroyed through brute force[3] or avoided by hitting a drop shot with little spin and power[4].

Tezuka Zone.PNG


Right Saver: Instead of drawing the opponent's returns to the center of the court, they are directed towards the user's right side[5].

Tezuka Phantom: The inverse application of Tezuka Zone.



  1. Genius 115
  2. Genius 349
  3. Genius 347
  4. Genius 334
  5. The New Prince of Tennis Season 1, ep 12

Contributors: Kaoz, Kashewmoo