


From Tenipuri Info

Revision as of 20:05, 25 July 2019 by Dust (talk | contribs)



Kanji {{{Kanji}}}
Kana {{{Kana}}}
Gender male/female
Age AgePOT
Birthday {{{Birthday}}} ({{{Astrology}}})
Height {{{HeightPOT}}}POT
Weight {{{WeightPOT}}}POT
Blood Type {{{Blood Type}}}
Dominant Arm {{{Dominant Arm}}}
Eyesight (Unaided) {{{Eyesight}}}
Shoe Size {{{Shoe Size}}}
Family {{{Family}}}
Nicknames {{{Nicknames}}}
Current School {{{School}}} {{{Year}}}
Class {{{Class}}}
Seat {{{Seat}}}
Committee {{{Committee}}}
Best Subject(s) {{{Best Subjects}}}
Worst Subject(s) {{{Worst Subjects}}}
Former School(s) {{{Former School}}}
Club Position {{{Club Position}}}
Play Style [[{{{Play Style}}}]]
Doubles Partner(s) {{{Doubles Partners}}}
Shoes {{{Shoes}}}
Racket(s) {{{Racket}}}
Manga Debut Genius #
Anime Debut Episode #
Voice {{{Voice}}}
Tenimyu Actors {{{Tenimyu}}}

include in character page

copy paste this at the top of the page!

{{CharacterInfobox |Name= |Kanji= |Kana= |AgePOT=13 |AgeNPOT=<!--if no change, move on--> |HeightPOT=191 cm |HeightNPOT=<!--if no change, move on--> |WeightPOT=weight kg |WeightNPOT=gererg<!--if no change, move on--> |Birthday=January 2 |Blood Type=A/B/AB/O |Dominant Arm=right/left |Eyesight= X.X |Shoe Size= xx cm |Family=<span></span> *mom *dad *etc |Nicknames=jkbkjb <!--School--> |School= |Year=(#rd/nd/st Year) |Class=X-X |Seat=# |Committee= |Best Subjects= |Worst Subjects= |Former School= <!--Tennis--> |Club Position=Club Position |Play Style=[[Play Style]] |Doubles Partners=<span></span> *[[Partner 1]] *[[Partner 2]] *etc. |Shoes=Brand (Type) |Racket=Brand (Type) <!--Media--> |MangaDebut=Genius # |AnimeDebut=Episode # |VoiceJP=kjkjh(JP) |Tenimyu=<span></span> *[ Actor Name] (1st) *[ Actor Name] (2nd) *[ Actor Name] (3rd) }}

Copy Code

For Exceptions, here is the code:

<pre> {|class="wikitable" style="float:right;margin-left:10px;font-size:0.9em;width:350px;" |colspan="2"| <ul class="tabs" data-tab><!--Replace entire tabs section with [[File:File.exts|350px]] if character only appears in one medium.--> <li class="tab-title active" style="display:inline-block;text-align:center;width:50%;">Anime</li> <li class="tab-title" style="display:inline-block;text-align:center;width:50%;">Manga</li> </ul> <div class="tabs-content" style="margin-bottom:-10px;"> <div class="content active" id="anime"> <p> [[File:{{{AnimeImg}}}|350px]]</p> </div> <div class="content" id="manga"> <p> [[File:{{{MangaImg}}}|350px]]</p> </div> </div> |- !colspan="2"|<center>{{{Name}}}</center> |- !Kanji |{{{Kanji}}} |- !Kana |{{{Kana}}} |- !Gender |{{{Gender|<nowiki>male/female}}} |- !Age |AgePOT
{{{AgeNPOT}}}NPOT |- !Birthday |{{{Birthday}}} ({{{Astrology}}}) |- !Height |{{{HeightPOT}}}POT
{{{HeightNPOT}}}NPOT |- !Weight |{{{WeightPOT}}}POT
{{{WeightNPOT}}}NPOT |- !Blood Type |{{{Blood Type}}} |- !Dominant Arm |{{{Dominant Arm}}} |- !Eyesight (Unaided) |{{{Eyesight}}} |- !Shoe Size |{{{Shoe Size}}} |- !Family |{{{Family}}} |- !Nicknames |{{{Nicknames}}} |-



|- !Current School |{{{School}}} {{{Year}}} |- !Class |{{{Class}}} |- !Seat |{{{Seat}}} |- !Committee |{{{Committee}}} |- !Best Subject(s) |{{{Best Subjects}}} |- !Worst Subject(s) |{{{Worst Subjects}}} |- !Former School(s) |{{{Former School}}} |-



|- !Club Position |{{{Club Position}}} |- !Play Style |[[{{{Play Style}}}]] |- !Doubles Partner(s) |{{{Doubles Partners}}} |- !Shoes |{{{Shoes}}} |- !Racket(s) |{{{Racket}}} |-



|- !Manga Debut |Genius # |- !Anime Debut |Episode # |- !Voice |{{{Voice}}} |- !Tenimyu Actors |{{{Tenimyu}}} |}
