
Wiki standards

From Tenipuri Info

This guide is currently under construction. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the admins either via Discord or via e-mail (

Welcome to Tenipuri Info! We're so happy that you're interested in contributing to the community. We strongly encourage everyone interested in contributing to join our Discord server! On the Discord you'll be able to quickly get verified, lay claims on articles you'd like to write, easily get your facts checked by other community members, and open up discussion for suggestions on how to improve the site! Please at least skim through this entire guide before making any edits to the wiki!

How to get verified

All site contributors must be verified before they can make edits. In order to get verified, please create an account! You can then choose to either contact the admins through the Discord server on #verification or via e-mail at In either case, please tell us your username and what you would like to contribute to the wiki (episode/chapter summaries, character trivia, song translations, etc). An admin will verify you within 48 hours, and you'll be able to start editing!

Naming and romanization conventions

All character names should be listed last name first (e.g. Echizen Ryouma instead of Ryouma Echizen) unless the character does not have a Japanese last name (e.g. Liliadent Krauser, Kevin Smith). Names should be romanized according the following standards:

  • ou instead of oh
  • oo instead of o (ō)
  • shu instead of syu
  • zu instead of du
  • uu instead of u (ū)
  • ii instead of i (ī)

Thus, one would romanize 大石秀一郎 as "Ooishi Shuuichirou" rather than "Oishi Syuichiroh." Alternate romanizations should be redirected to the main page. If you are unsure as to how romanize a name, please bring it up in #fact-check on Discord.

The first time a character is mentioned in an article, please refer to them by their full name, linking to the character article (or simply bolding if it is the character article), and then by their last name henceforth. If a character is a family member of a character which plays tennis, please refer to them by their first name. For characters wherein multiple family members are in school and play tennis, please refer to all of them by their first names (i.e. Echizens, Fujis, Kisarazus, Oshitaris, Tanakas). The exception to this rule are the Ryuuzakis: Ryuuzaki Sumire should be referred to as Ryuuzaki, and Ryuuzaki Sakuno should be referred to as Sakuno.


Standards for including honorifics in quotes are as follows:

  • Drop -san, -kun, and -senpai.
  • Translate -buchou, -fukubuchou, and -kantoku as Captain, Vice Captain, and Coach.
  • Include -chan.


All matches should be listed in alphabetical order (e.g. Kaidou vs. Kamio rather than Kamio vs. Kaidou). For doubles matches, the pairs should be listed in order by the first member of the pair (e.g. Fuji/Saeki vs. Inui/Yanagi). Always use last names in match titles. Redirect pages should be made for any matches in which the actual players differ from the registered players (e.g. Echizen/Echizen vs. Halhalter/Nobtail should redirect to Echizen/Philips vs. Halhalter/Nobtail).

Editing articles

The single hard and fast rule is DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE PLAGIARIZE/COPY-PASTE FROM THE PRINCE OF TENNIS WIKI PROJECT ON WIKIA (or from any other fansite for that matter, unless it is your own, in which case you should cite yourself). This site is intended to stand on its own, and all content contained herein should be written originally for this site or be a direct translation from an official source.

Whenever possible, please use a template. As of now, only templates for characters, moves and teams exist, so please restrict yourself to editing only those for now. Arc, episode, match, and song templates should be created soon! All new templates will be posted in #announcements on Discord. In order to use a template, open the editor for the template page and copy-paste it into the new article, making necessary changes (including removing, changing, or adding sections). Please do not edit on the original template page. All images uploaded to this site must be official art. Anime caps (especially those from NPoT) are preferred for character pages, but manga caps and other official art are equally acceptable (especially for non-anime characters).

Please categorize pages into the appropriate categories. Please ask an admin via Discord or e-mail if you would like to create a new category!

Here is a guide as to how to edit a wiki! If you have any questions beyond that, please try googling for the answer first before asking us on Discord or e-mailing us!

Contributors: Dust, Kashewmoo, Zaizen